Partner with us!
BloodtoBaby is always seeking new (carefully chosen) sponsors. If your company would like to get involved in partnership activities please email For Bloodtobaby sponsorship helps us to achieve and sustain our vision - to educate for all babies to have optimal cord clamping at birth. This is a global initiative and support enables us to curate exciting and innovative media and materials to raise awareness whilst also creating positive publicity for your business.

John Nash
Head of Marketing Inspiration Healthcare
We love supporting BloodtoBaby, we are focussed on facilitating physiological transition of the newborn with optimal cord clamping using the LifeStart at birth. We champion the value and benefits of optimal cord clamping to baby.

Cass McNamara
Founder and CEO of BirthSparks LTD
I believe in physiological birth. It's important to share and collaborate. Hannah's BloodtoBaby campaign continues to make a difference. Your website and resources raise awareness of the many aspects around optimal cord clamping - we learn together.

Rianne Rotink
CEO Concord Neonatal
We are keen to support BloodtoBaby in the education of healthcare professionals about the science of shock-free birth for babies via an intact umbilical cord. The BloodtoBaby platform is a great resources to aid this sharing of information.
BloodtoBaby Partners
BloodtoBaby would like to thank all it's partners for the expertise and perspective they provide to this campaign. Their contribution ensures the BloodtoBaby campaign can continue its important work to raise awareness about the benefits of optimal cord clamping at birth. In so doing they facilitate distribution of materials, exhibition at events, leadership and sustained innovation.
Inspiration Healthcare

Inspiration Healthcare provide high quality innovative products to patients and caregivers around the world that help to improve patient outcomes and efficiencies of healthcare organisations. Of particular relevance is the LifeStart Bedside trolley which helps to ensure healthcare professionals can facilitate intact cord resuscitation at birth where necessary. Inspiration Healthcare's support of BloodtoBaby helps move conversations about intact cord resuscitation forward, which if it becomes gold standard, would mean all babies get optimal cord clamping at birth.
CUB Upright Birth

CUB Comfortable Upright Birth allows mothers to adopt and maintain positions that are not only the most comfortable but physically the most helpful for them and their baby during labour, making giving birth easier, faster and most importantly, safer! CUB creators support the physiology of birth and share this synergy with BloodtoBaby. Similarly CUB creators actively engage in education and empowerment of both mothers and maternity professionals helping to elevate midwifery roles and responsibility to promote, normal, physiological birth and care practices.
Concord Neonatal

Concord Neonatal believes birth can be improved, especially for those babies who are born too soon or who need extra support. Concord helps babies by providing the products, the processes and the knowledge that gives babies a 'shock free birth flow'. The first step is the creation of the Concord Birth Flow that allows cord clamping at a time when the baby is fully stable, leading to a gentle switch from the oxygen rich blood flow from the placenta to autonomous breathing and blood flow.